Having a website is indeed an achievement for every business. It allows you to put as many information as you want and show people exactly how you want your business to look online. But truth be told, after picking the colors, writing the contents, uploading the photos and videos, organizing the pages and sections, then finally publishing your site, you'll realize that you are now faced with a new challenge: how to get visitors. Honestly, I'd recommend that the best way is to work with professionals, but if you're not ready to jump into that step yet, here are some simple search engine optimization (SEO) strategies that you can do on your own to drive traffic to your site:
1. Harness the power of social media
This one's quite obvious. Even popular news sites use this strategy to drive traffic to their site. Simply put, if you have interesting contents like informative articles or promos on your website, share or promote it on social media. You can choose to share it on your own page or account, or you can also mobilize your employees or connections by asking them to share it on their accounts as well. But if your content is really interesting or shareable, you won't even need to ask people to share it, because they'll share it on their own will. Sharing your site content on social media does not only drive awareness and traffic, it's also a way to generate backlinks, which is one of the many factors that search engines consider in determining whether your site should appear on the search results when people type in search terms or keywords related to your business.
2. Use generic keywords in your titles and headlines
One common mistake of new business owners is wanting to make their business name appear on every page/content or making every single title or headline branded. While it is important to have branded content, you must remember that when people search for something on Google, they use generic keywords. For example, if you're selling summer hats, don't just say something like ABC Co. Marikit Hat even if that's that actual name of your product. Remember that not everyone knows what you call your products yet, therefore they will search using generic terms like summer hat or hat for summer. With this in mind, perhaps a better product title could be "ABC Co. Marikit Hat for Summer" or "ABC Co. Marikit Summer Hat". Using generic terms in your site contents is a simple but effective way to increase your discoverability and rank for keywords related to your business. By doing this, you'll have better chances of being included in the top search results, especially if search engines see that your site is getting more clicks and visits for a certain keyword.
3. Internal links
This simply means that you can link one content on your site to another content on your site. For example, if your company sells treadmills, one thing you can do is publish an article about, say the benefits of cardio in the morning, then put a link on a text or a sentence in the article that directs to a product page or category page when clicked. This way, you do not only drive traffic to other pages on your site, you also extend the amount of time that visitors spend on your site, which by the way is also factor for search engine ranking.
As mentioned in the title, these are just basic and first level SEO strategies that you can do, especially if you do not have any background in the said field. Though these will not guarantee success with having your site appear on the first page of Google search, it will somehow help in getting your site included in the search results, which means improved site visibility and more people becoming aware of your business. At the end of the day, it would still be best to either learn SEO and apply all applicable methods and practices or work with professionals who already know exactly what to do and how to get the results you want for your site.
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This simply means that you can link one content on your site to another content on your site. For example, if your company sells treadmills, one thing you can do is publish an article about, say the benefits of cardio in the morning, then put a link on a text or a sentence in the article that directs to a product page or category page when clicked. This way, you do not only drive traffic to other pages on your site, you also extend the amount of time that visitors spend on your site, which by the way is also factor for search engine ranking.
As mentioned in the title, these are just basic and first level SEO strategies that you can do, especially if you do not have any background in the said field. Though these will not guarantee success with having your site appear on the first page of Google search, it will somehow help in getting your site included in the search results, which means improved site visibility and more people becoming aware of your business. At the end of the day, it would still be best to either learn SEO and apply all applicable methods and practices or work with professionals who already know exactly what to do and how to get the results you want for your site.
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